The atelier D’Inzillo Sweet Mode

The atelier D’Inzillo Sweet Mode starts its activities in the 50s’ in Rome


Until the end of the 60s’, the atelier is leader in Rome in the sector of high quality dresses and fashion for the Roman upper classes on the wave of the after-war economic boom.

From being an atelier leader in the fashion sector the D’Inzillo Sweet Mode becomes from the 70s’ a professional costume shop working with the greatest national and international costume designers. The atelier works with the most famous theatres and opera houses around the globe, passing as well to the television and the cinema.

At D’Inzillo Sweet Mode we realize historical and modern costumes for: dance, ballet, theater, opera, musical and TV shows. The atelier and its artisanal and professional expertise manage all stages of the process of creation. From modeling to decoration, until the debut of the show, the atelier will professionally assist the costume designer. In addition we realize costumes for the television and for all varieties TV shows. The work carried out by the atelier allowed us to build a stock of costumes, which is one of the largest and well-maintained in Italy.

The atelier also performs art processing, decorations (with all varieties of painting and techniques) and aging. The atelier is specialized in working with rubber, plastic and latex material for the realizations of wigs, hairstyles, mascots, hats and masks.


The atelier has two main offices, located in northern part of Rome, where the laboratory, the stock, the administration are.

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